Monday, August 13, 2012

Starting from scratch

So, like I said, I am going to talk about modelling. If you know anything about BIONICLE, you know that some characters are simple, and others are complex. And if you know anything about making 3D models, everything is made out of vertices, which are mathematical points. And I have to make anything from scratch. More fun for me. Now, the way I see it, there are two ways of making BIONICLE models.

The first method is complex, but rather simple at its basics. Simply, it is modelling each individual character vertex-by-vertex. It seems time-consuming, which it is. Which is why I have thought of the next method.

The other method is less complex and time-consuming, and it will be the one I will use. Instead of modelling the actual characters, I could model the pieces of the characters, duplicate the pieces, and put them together like actual parts. It saves time and energy.

Soon, I am going to start making the parts necessary to build Tahu, most of which can be used for the other Toa as well. Until next time.

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