Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm back!

Sorry about the wait. I was busy with other more important things. Anyway, I have been considering a name change for this game. The Quest for the Masks was the name of another game. Well, a card game. Now, I don't know if I should change it or not. And if I do change it, what could I change it to? If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

With that aside, I would like to say that I made more progress in planning out the game. It is going to be based considerably off of the cancelled Legend of Mata Nui (LoMN). The player starts out with a single Toa, in TQftM's case, Tahu, and eventually the player unlocks Pohatu, then Onua, Gali, Kopaka, and Lewa in that order. I have decided, for the simplicity of things, I have given up on the idea of each Toa have his/her own special ability. It is my first game, after all. But anyway, the player has to collect and use the various kanohi in order to progress further in their quest.

With that aside, I need advice. Since I am working alone (which I know is terrible for 3D games), should I just give up? After all, 3D games need at least 3 or 4 people working on them. If you would like to help me, let me know.

Expect more details soon. Until then, good-bye.

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