Thursday, August 16, 2012

Always read the instructions

As I said, I am first going to build Tahu. So, I had to figure out what parts I needed to use. How did I do this? Simple. I read his building instructions. I look through them, and I figure out what parts I need to make. So far, I have started makung some of the simpler pieces, shown below.
What you see is the Toa's shoulder/hip piece, as well as an axle 3 LEGO-Units (LU) long. I am slowly making more parts, and once I make them all, I will start assembling the various characters. I will have the next update in a few days.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Starting from scratch

So, like I said, I am going to talk about modelling. If you know anything about BIONICLE, you know that some characters are simple, and others are complex. And if you know anything about making 3D models, everything is made out of vertices, which are mathematical points. And I have to make anything from scratch. More fun for me. Now, the way I see it, there are two ways of making BIONICLE models.

The first method is complex, but rather simple at its basics. Simply, it is modelling each individual character vertex-by-vertex. It seems time-consuming, which it is. Which is why I have thought of the next method.

The other method is less complex and time-consuming, and it will be the one I will use. Instead of modelling the actual characters, I could model the pieces of the characters, duplicate the pieces, and put them together like actual parts. It saves time and energy.

Soon, I am going to start making the parts necessary to build Tahu, most of which can be used for the other Toa as well. Until next time.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sights and Sounds

If you don't know, the first part of the BIONICLE storyline takes place on an island. So, I have to make the various areas look and feel like they do in the other games, books, movies, etc. I have decided to give it a islandish feel, and not making the areas too big and not too small. Otherwise, I'd end up with rediculously-massive, empty areas, or miniscule boss-fight arenas (oh yeah, don't worry, there are going to be boss fights). Not only that, but I would get a game that just wouldn't seem right.

I also have to get the music right. The BIONICLE series is also known for the music it uses in its various media areas. So, I started listening to some (old) music that was created just for the series, and decided to come up with a style that matches the setting and the story. It takes place on a tropical island, so I will put in various types of drum beats, as well as various wind and string instruments, using a program called Ableton Live. But, the game is also about biomechanical beings, so I will also add some synthesizers and other techno-style sounds. And, I have to somehow blend the two styles together. But I won't worry about that now.

That's all I have to say for now. Next time, I will be discussing how I am going to make the in-game objects and characters.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

More info

Hello, again. I have decided to have an official name change for this game. From now on, it will simply be known as BIONICLE. But for the sake of releasing information, I will keep this blog name as it is, as to not cause confusion.

Anyway, here are my ideas. Each Toa will have the same basic movements and animations, which is too long of a list to post here. Anyway, they will also have a melee attack based off of that individual Toa's set's gear function. Tahu will swing his sword, Pohatu will kick and tackle, Onua will slash his claws, Lewa will slash with his axe, Kopaka swings his sword, and Gali will use her hooks. And like LoMN, they will also be able to fire special fruit at their enemies.

However, I am unsure of how to unlock each Toa. You start with Tahu, and then what? I have it narrowed down to two options. 1: Tahu will eventually reach the Kini-Nui. From there, the player can select which Toa he/she will play as. Or 2: Tahu will travel to, let's say, Po-Wahi, and once he reaches Po-Koro and speaks to Turaga Onewa, he unlocks Pohatu.

Oh, and I should mention that this game will be available for PC and Mac. If I can create my own website, you will be able to download it from there for free. And if I choose to do so, I may put up a demo.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm back!

Sorry about the wait. I was busy with other more important things. Anyway, I have been considering a name change for this game. The Quest for the Masks was the name of another game. Well, a card game. Now, I don't know if I should change it or not. And if I do change it, what could I change it to? If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

With that aside, I would like to say that I made more progress in planning out the game. It is going to be based considerably off of the cancelled Legend of Mata Nui (LoMN). The player starts out with a single Toa, in TQftM's case, Tahu, and eventually the player unlocks Pohatu, then Onua, Gali, Kopaka, and Lewa in that order. I have decided, for the simplicity of things, I have given up on the idea of each Toa have his/her own special ability. It is my first game, after all. But anyway, the player has to collect and use the various kanohi in order to progress further in their quest.

With that aside, I need advice. Since I am working alone (which I know is terrible for 3D games), should I just give up? After all, 3D games need at least 3 or 4 people working on them. If you would like to help me, let me know.

Expect more details soon. Until then, good-bye.